Here are some photographs from my visit to Chelsea flower show (garden fair in London) in 2009. Swedish television channel SVT2 sends two programs from the fair this year 2010, on November 15+16+19. I really look forward to seeing them. First program was yesterday.

In the big tent at Chelsea I found a wonderful set with David Austin roses.
Swedish: Samtliga bilder © Ann Larås. Första avsnittet om "världens viktigaste trädgårdsmässa" sänds även i SVT2 15/11 och SVT24 16/11. Andra (och sista) programmet nästa fredag 19/11.

Roses roses roses

This show garden won the peoples choice.

Allium, beautiful and a flower to trust. One of my favourites in my garden in Stockholm.

Lupinus in great new colours.


Vertical flowerwall. Getting more and more popular. This was a wall on a parking lot.

Actress on Chelsea flower show. It was fun to spend time here on press day, because we shared with the celebraties.

Best in Show - by Ulf Nordfjell, Sweden. I am so proud he won.

Show garden by perfume producer.

Press room.

Hej svejs
If you would like to buy my book (in Swedish) about the most beautiful gardens in southern England, and a chapter about Chelsea flower show. Click here, for best price!.
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