How to make a chandelier out of grass.
This is a description from a friend of mine, who is an illustrator, Iann Eklund Tinbäck, blogg Leva Grönt,. One of our guests on Midsummer eve feast on the island in Stockholm mrs Eva, she was inspired and started to look for grass in the nature on the island. She found a fine grass med bronze-silvery plums and patiently "tied" them together, straw by straw using Ianns description. Then we used a fishing nylon line, to tie the circle together. The day after we also added a smaller circle of grass to make the grass chandelier complete in two levels. The plumes of the grass are the crystals, shining in the light as crystals in a chandelier.

Me and Bengt putting the rings together with fishing line.

Have a nice summer everyone!
Here is the description to the chandelier of grass. Ianns gräskrona.

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2 kommentarer:
That is waaay cool! Never seen anything like it.
Very creative and authentic indeed!!
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