lördag 28 augusti 2010

The last garden party for the season...

Swedish: Efter städningen efter trädgårdsfesten 21 augusti
Innan städningen började, rätt snyggt med alla flaskor och glas....

I en helt annan del av trädgården....står en underbar stol från African art, från Gambia bakom myggspiralen. Nu ska här funderas på vad stolen ska fundera som...jag tror som växtklättrare.

English: The last garden party for the season, now in August it is still summer but its getting a little bit colder but still sunny and unsure weather. After my party on Saturday Aug 21 2010, these pictures were taken before cleaning and after cleaning off the lawn and tables. Lots of winebotles which looked quite beautiful in the morning sun sunshine actually...the chair which was given to me as a gift, I´m thinking of using as a climber for peas and ivy.

Garden parties are the best!!!!

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